Fulhealth Industries Organic Colloidal Minerals 500ml
Product Description:
Rich in humins, humic acid and fulvic acid, all ingredients are derived from 20,000-year-old prehistoric vegetation, cold-extracted and then suspended in ultra-pure de-ionised water. The trace elements contained in this colloidal mineral have a negative charge, allowing the mineral ions and elements to be absorbed effectively and immediately.
(Mg/l) Boron 0.26 Sodium 99; Magnesium 98; Alluminium 108; Silicon 45; Phosphorus 5.2; Sulphur 500; Potassium 17; Calcium 270; Titanium 0.94; Vanadium 2.4; Barium 0.34; Chromium 1.4; Manganese 0.66; Iron 220; Nickel 1; Colbat 0.2; Copper 0.13; Zinc 0.38; Selenium 0.37; Strontium 2.6; Molybdenum 0.019; Silver 0.15.